Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Welcome Back!

We hope that everyone had a fun, relaxing Winter Break. We have enjoyed listening to the many adventures your kindergarteners experienced with their families.

Penguins at the Zoo

Kindergarteners enjoyed a trip to Riverbanks Zoo this week. They participated in the program P is for Penguin and experienced the daily feeding of the penguins. The program invited all children to measure themselves next to an Emperor Penguin, challenged them to see if they could jump as far as a Rockhopper Penguin and encouraged them to feel what real penguin feathers feel like.
During the feeding time kindergarteners learned more facts about the individual penguins that live at the zoo.








Sensational Science

As we wrapped up our study of the polar regions, each of the kindergarten classes participated in a "blubber" experiment. We felt ice cold water with our human hands ---BRRRR...
Then we wore a glove of blubber to note the difference in the way our hand felt in the same frigid water. Ask your child what they discovered.


Focus On India

This week, we are excited about exploring our country of study, India. The Lower School is being transformed into this beautiful country. Our Country Day of Study will be celebrated this Friday, February 26th. The kiva will be busy helping with this day.


Thanks for your help with this!

Word Study February 23rd - March 1st

We will review all sight words studied so far. Kindergarteners are getting really good at reading the words off of the blue and purple cards. Now that they can recall these words, we encourage you to practice reading them on different types of media (i.e. magazines, newspapers) and in different fonts. We also suggest reinforcement in writing them in complete sentences. Complete sentence writing can be a challenge so start with simple sentences then add detail and describing words.


Monday, February 15, 2016

Valentine Fun!

Happy Valentine's Day

A great big thank you for all of the supplies brought in for our Valentine's celebration. It was a great day and we are all so thankful for our many blessings.

Winter Break

We hope that you enjoy the Winter Break with your family! We will look forward to seeing you back at school on Monday, February 22nd!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Hip, Hip Hooray! It's The 100th Day!

100 Days Smarter in Kindergarten!

Last Friday kindergartners enjoyed celebrating the passage of 100 days in kindergarten. All Skyhawks enjoyed 100 games in Friday in the Kiva such as holding your breath for 100 seconds and keeping a balloon in the air for 100 seconds. All kindergarteners enjoyed a special 100 day snack and were invited to wear 100 things on a handmade t-shirt. What an exciting celebration! A great big thank you to all parents who assisted with the special snack and for helping to create all the wonderful t-shirts!


Happy Valentine's Day!

We will enjoy celebrating Valentine's Day this Friday. February 12th.
 Please send your child's valentine cards to school by this Thursday.


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

February Fun!

 February Is Here!

Today the ground hog predicted spring might arrive early! Kindergarteners are excited and hopeful some winter precipitation will make it to Columbia, SC but also will enjoy the beautiful spring like weather. The children enjoyed learning non-fiction facts about the hibernating groundhog and the fiction stories that have been created around Groundhog's Day.

 In Writer's Workshop we are using our gained knowledge of the animals that live in the polar regions to create non-fiction books. This is always a favorite genre!

 Valentine's Day!

We will celebrate Valentine's Day next Friday, February 12th.
 In preparing for this special occasion, you will find enclosed in this week's Tuesday envelope a list of the children in your child's class. This will help your child in addressing valentine cards to his/her classmates. To avoid hurt feelings, we ask that you limit valentine cards to your child's homeroom class only. All kindergarteners are expected to sign their own name and write their classmate's name on each valentine card. Please be aware that this project can be a challenge for five and six year olds. You may find that it works well to start several days ahead and doo a few each day rather than tackle it all in one sitting. 
 Please send in completed Valentines next Friday, February 12th.
Have fun helping your child get ready for this exciting day!


Sight Word Study February 2nd-9th

him, how, make, many, more, were

Marvelous Math

Kindergarteners are learning about equal parts and parts of a whole. This means having the same portion, piece, or segment of a whole.
You can help reinforce this skill at home when slicing an apple into equal portions, or serving pizza for dinner. Let your kindergartener help to make equal parts. It is always fun to eat and learn.