Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Me and My World

Which Pole Has Which Animal?

The kindergarten classes now have a better understanding of where we are on the map in relation to our favorite polar animal friends. Through a variety of cross-curricula activities we have located the North Pole and the South Pole on the globe as well as learned which polar animals live at each of these locations. Be sure to ask your kindergartener who lives where? Below you will find a link to one of our favorite songs used during our investigating.



Sight Word Study - January 26- February 2

your, so, all, if, or, her

Marvelous Math --- The Quarter Is Here!

Now that Quarter Wars have begun in the Lower School to raise money for Hammond's Stop Hunger Now! packaging event, kindergarteners are so thrilled to learn all about the quarter. Since we have studied the penny, nickel, and dime, we are encouraging our  students to earn quarters at home by lending a helping hand around the house so that they can donate to their grade level collection of Quarter Wars, but more importantly, purchase meals for hungry people all over the world. This is an excellent service project for the students, making connections between the classroom and the outside world.

Below you will find the Quarter poem.
See if your child can recite this
and the other coin poems previously learned.

Quarter Poem
Quarter, quarter
Big and bold.
You're worth twenty-five
I am told.